
Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Contoh Argumentative text

Government Allow Prisoners Raises her Baby Behind Bars
Nowadays, the increasing economic needs, make a lot of people committing crimes. Especially women, in general, they commit a crime in the form of fraud. All they did was due to economic pressures and to finance their children's lives. However, if they are caught and go to jail. No one cares with their children and most of them do not have close family relatives. This is what makes the government allowed prisoners raise their children behind bars. Especially for those who have young children who still need breast milk.
Some people agree with the statement that the government allows prisoners raising their children behind bars. Why do they agree? First, children need a mother's love. Secondly, in order that they are not displaced and have to live in the right direction. Third, to avoid the depression of a mother. Fourth, to know the development of their children. Fifth, the child's life becomes more controllable. Sixth, keep children from child trafficking cases. Seventh, keep children from violence in the street. Then, there are some people who give advice that the government had better make dormitories, schools, playgrounds, and places of worship close to the location of the prison. So that the child can be met and controlled by their parents even when their parents are prisoners. Then, for prisoners who are pregnant and want to give birth, are provided for the delivery. And for those who have young children, also supplied nanny, so they are not displaced.
However, there are some people who do not agree with the government statement that prisoners mengiizinkan raising her children behind bars. The reason they do not agree are those concerned with the condition of the prison environment that does not conform with the kids. They also argue that raising children behind bars the same as introducing the world of evil to children. It would also negatively affect the child's future. If they live with his mother behind bars, they are not able to interact with their peers and do not have time childish happy. As was the case in South American prisons, children are allowed to come with his parents to stay in prison. How can a child who has never violated the law, already feel life in prison. If their parents do not have close family relatives. They should leave their children in the orphanage so that their lives better. If the children are living in prison since childhood, what about their future, they will likely mimic the parents. And how about their psychological condition, if they are not stressed by life in prison is so bleak. Poverty is not the one reason to be factored children participate live in prison. The government should find better solutions and more concerned with the future of a new generation. Do not let our nation worse off by agreeing with the government's assertion that allow prisoners raise their children behind bars. Because they are going to build and continue the development of the nation.

Therefore, allow prisoners raise their children behind bars was good, but better raise their children outside the prison environment. The government should conduct a review of such statements. If it stays that way, then the government should impose certain conditions.

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